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The ICCT - Transportation: Vehicles and fuels
In April 2018, ICCT undertook a €1,745,000 three-year project (2018-2021), to re-align urban bus and other municipal fleets along a soot-free, low-carbon technology pathway in five megacities (São Paulo, Mexico City, Jakarta, Hainan, and Bangalore). ICCT provides technical capacity to city officials to design and implement this transition. Early and rapid technology transitions among targeted fleets will deliver greater air quality and public health benefits, while avoiding near-term climate impacts of black carbon and other climate pollutants. Partners include local transport authorities, environmental protection bureaus, and other government agencies in these cities.
The IKI NDC Transport Initiative for Asia is a joint project of seven organizations operating in China, India, and Vietnam. The project offers a comprehensive approach for decarbonizing transport via a coherent strategy of effective policies that are coordinated among sector ministries, civil society, and the private sector. ICCT’s budget is €2.17M and the grant term runs through early 2024.
ICCT’s role is to 1) support the national and a selected provincial government in China in developing decarbonization strategies and implementing mitigation actions in the transport sector; 2) initiate and support a multi-stakeholder platform on decarbonizing transport and develop tools and policy recommendations for the uptake of electric vehicles in India; 3) support the development of national regulations on energy efficiency for transport activities in Vietnam; and 4) develop knowledge products on decarbonizing transport, support peer learning in the region, and disseminate project results at regional/global events and through publications and social media.
ITDP - Transportation: Systems
Since 2015, ITDP has received over €10 million in support from IKI for three projects: a country-based project in India (€3,250,000 for 2015-2023), a country-based project in Indonesia (€2,220,000 for 2015-2022), and a regional project in East Africa (€5,000,000 for 2018-2023).
The India Sustainable Mobility Initiative aims to catalyze a shift to low-carbon transport through state- and national-level policies. ITDP has helped launch the Pune Rainbow BRT and two new bikeshare systems, achieved adoption of a national transit-oriented development policy, and redesigned hundreds of kilometers of safe, inclusive streets. In Indonesia, the Optimizing Public Transport project delivers strategies to avoid car use and shift users toward more sustainable modes in Jakarta, Medan, and Semarang. Last, Growing Smarter: Sustainable Mobility in East Africa works to introduce high-quality, equitable, and environmentally sustainable urban transport facilities in major cities in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.
ITDP is a key partner in three discrete consortiums that have been selected to implement the UK Prosperity Fund’s Future Cities program in Brazil, Mexico, and Southeast Asia (2019-2023). The total budget for each country is €5-10 million, with ITDP receiving up to €600,000 in each. The Future Cities program’s overall goal is to alleviate high levels of urban poverty by encouraging sustainable development and improving economic growth and prosperity. In each consortium, ITDP is the primary local partner focused on sustainable transport interventions and improvements, such as an integrated public transport system in Bandung, Indonesia and intelligent mobility in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
CLASP - Efficiency: appliances
In 2017, CLASP received a grant from U.S. Department of State, implemented under the Asia EDGE Initiative. The Asia EDGE Air Conditioning Energy Efficiency and Compliance project supports the Lower Mekong partner countries and greater ASEAN region in implementing sustainable energy policies. Under this project, CLASP conducted regional workshops to build greater awareness of the benefits of more efficient air conditioners and developed Market Surveillance for Air Conditioners: Voluntary Guidelines for ASEAN Member States. The Guidelines provide best practices for policymakers and compliance practitioners who are designing or implementing market surveillance activities. The project also strengthened regional testing capacity for compliance through an inter-laboratory comparison exercise in Vietnam. Last, CLASP collaborated with agencies in Cambodia and Lao PDR, providing technical assistance to design policy compliance and enforcement frameworks that will accelerate implementation of energy-efficiency policies.
In 2017, CLASP was awarded an £18 million grant from the UK’s Department for International Development, now the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), for a five-year program to accelerate the global market for highly energy-efficient appliances and technologies. The Low-Energy Inclusive Appliances program supports research, innovation, and market-scaling interventions to grow the market for high-performing appliances and advance access to clean energy for the world’s poorest people.
Agora Energiewende & RAP – Electric Power
Over the past five years, Agora Energiewende has gathered significant experience with the IKI program along the entire “value chain”: developing project ideas, building consortia, participating in appraisal missions, and implementing programs as consortium lead and partner. Two examples:
In the EnerTracks training program, Agora trains young professionals from civil society groups in ODA countries on technical, economic, and political aspects of the transformation of energy systems. Hundreds have participated in online courses, study trips, and on-the-ground fellowship programs in Agora’s headquarters in Berlin. In this program, Agora cooperates with RENAC, the Renewables Academy. As the number of candidates greatly exceeds capacity, the program was extended until 2023.
Second, Agora initiated the CASE program (Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia) in April 2020. CASE aims to change the narrative of energy policy in Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Thailand. The program builds on a unique consortium of GIZ (consortium lead), international think tanks, and local civil society groups. CASE is part of the Energy Transition Partnership, a joint effort of governments and philanthropy.
The Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) has worked both directly with government donor agencies and as part of larger consortia.
RAP’s work for GIZ includes advising the German Energy Transition Expertise for China project, delivering technical assistance on market design as part of the project, and helping shape policy dialogue and knowledge management on low-emissions development strategies in the MENA region. RAP collaborated with GIZ and BMU to deliver international best practices on power markets tailored to local constituents.
RAP conducted a major power sector reform project under the U.S.-China Climate Working Group, funded by the U.S. Department of State. Under this two-year project (2016-18), RAP worked closely with the State Department and its Chinese counterpart, the National Development and Reform Commission. RAP helped lead a series of on-the-ground workshops with Chinese officials. Some of RAP’s recommendations were subsequently implemented by Chinese officials. In particular, Guangdong—a leading province for power sector transformation and a geographic focus of the project—issued recommended market monitoring regulations that are improving the uptake of renewable energy and the operational efficiency of the remaining coal generators. These innovations are now spreading to other parts of the country.
GBPN - Efficiency: Buildings
Between 2013 and 2017, GBPN was commissioned by UNEP to provide the technical assistance components of the IKI-funded NAMA Development for the Buildings Sector in Asia program. Under this program, GBPN provided technical assistance to the governments of Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines to prepare buildings sector development proposals for NAMA. The work required development of and training in a common methodology and tool (the Common Carbon Metric) for establishing Measurable, Reportable and Verifiable building sector energy and emissions baselines and savings scenarios. GBPN then assisted government agencies to identify priority areas for policy focus to lead low-carbon market transformations in the buildings sector, and to incorporate these into NAMA development proposals submitted to the UNFCCC. This project led to Buildings NAMA development proposals from Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam, and better data on building energy use and stakeholder engagement for building sector policy development in the Philippines.
In 2014 and 2015, GBPN was commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy to review best practices in building energy code compliance for IPEEC and the Major Economies Forum and to produce reports, a website portal, and webinars on the findings. In 2015 GBPN was commissioned by the government of France to prepare a strategy for launching the Global Alliance on Buildings & Construction, co-author the first Global Status Report on Buildings Sector Climate Actions, provide a Mapping of Buildings Sector INDC and non-state actor commitments, and prepare reports and presentations at the Buildings Day events held in the Blue Zone during the Paris COP15.
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